LP Wont quit

42+ Years of Serving Injured Workers in Pennsylvania



For Injured Workers

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers for Teachers

Help for Educators Injured in the Course of Their Teaching Duties

Teachers are the lifeblood of our communities. They help us mold our children into responsible adults, listen to our fears and lend us their shoulders to cry on when we need it. It is a well-known fact that most teachers work long hours before and after school, and that they are usually underpaid, despite working in one of the noblest professions there is. They give so much of themselves to us each and every day, and ask little in return.

That is why it is our honor to represent injured teachers in their time of need. The committed attorneys of Larry Pitt & Associates, P.C. have fought on the side of injured teachers for more than 40 years. We understand the challenges that come with applying for benefits, as well as the unique circumstances which may apply to union and non-union teachers alike. We proudly represent public, private and charter school educators throughout the entire workers’ compensation process, and ensure that your questions are answered while we strive to help you protect yourself and your families.


Teachers Can Rely On Our Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

If you are a teacher who has been hurt in a work-related accident or by an act of physical violence, you deserve to know that someone is looking out for you. Larry Pitt & Associates, P.C., has represented teachers in workers’ compensation hearings and throughout the claims process for more than four decades. To speak with one of our dedicated Philadelphia workers’ compensation lawyers, please call 888-PITT-LAW or fill out our contact form. Larry Pitt & Associates helps throughout:

Unionized Districts, Private Schools and Charter Schools

The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) provides that, “active employees in all bargaining units shall be covered by the School District’s workers’ compensation program for injuries or illnesses arising out of the course of employment.” As long as you are employed by a school district and pay into the workers’ compensation fund, you are allowed to claim benefits if you suffer an injury, as per the guidelines of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act (WCA).

However, union workers must meet certain requirements in order to do so; for example, in the Philadelphia School District, a teacher who is injured or suffers an illness as the result of a physical assault would have to seek treatment from a panel of physicians approved by the District for 90 days. You would then be granted medical benefits by the PFT’s fund for up to 5 years.

These rules could be vastly different for teachers who work in charter, private or religious educational institutions (as well as though who teach in daycare centers, colleges, universities or trade schools) because their unions, if applicable, would be different. This does not mean you cannot collect workers’ compensation benefits. You would need to bring your school contract into your initial meeting with one of our Philadelphia workers’ compensation lawyers in order for us to determine if there are any roadblocks to your collecting benefits; from there, we can formulate a plan for moving forward.

Cases We Handle

Larry Pitt & Associates, P.C., represents teachers in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania who are entitled to workers’ comp benefits. Some of the cases we accept include:

  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Injuries sustained as a result of a physical assault by another teacher, and administrator, a student or a parent/guardian, including traumatic brain injuries
  • Injuries sustained while engaged in school duties outside of school grounds (such as being hurt on a field trip or at a workshop)
  • Repetitive stress injuries from excessive technology use
  • Slip, trip and falls on school property
  • Strains and sprains of muscles and joints
  • Toxic exposure

We believe in helping those who have nurtured us and our children for so many years. Come see why so many teachers trust Larry Pitt & Associates, P.C. to protect their rights after they have sustained a serious workplace injury.

What Our Clients Say
