LP Wont quit

42+ Years of Serving Injured Workers in Pennsylvania



For Injured Workers

Collecting Workers’ Compensation for Mental Stress

Workers’ Compensation Can Help Protect Workers With Mental Conditions

As the stigmas associated with mental illness and injury finally begin to ebb, people who suffer from debilitating anxiety or stress can finally access the help they need to live a better and fuller life. One of the many benefits that come with such acceptance is the knowledge that mental stress and fatigue can be just as damaging as a physical injury. If you have been subjected to mental anguish or injury as a result of your job, under Pennsylvania law you may be entitled to collect workers’ compensation benefits. The skilled legal team at Larry Pitt & Associates, P.C. has more than four decades of experience protecting injured workers – and we want to help you, too.


Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Lawyers at Larry Pitt & Associates Protect Workers who Have Suffered Undue Mental Stress or Injuries

Larry Pitt & Associates is the name Philadelphia workers trust when they need help after a workplace injury. If you suffered emotional, psychological or mental trauma because of an incident in the workplace, or because of an injury you sustained in the course of your duties, our compassionate Philadelphia workers’ compensation lawyers can help. Please call  888-748-8529 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment with a team who will advocate for your rights. Larry Pitt & Associates helps throughout:

Filing a Claim for Benefits Because of a Mental Injury

Pennsylvania recognizes mental injury claims, and allows injured workers to file under one of three categories:

  • Physical/mental: when a physical injury leads to serious mental conditions or injuries. For example, if you are injured at work and lose your foot as a result, and you become depressed as a result, you can make a claim for a physical/mental injury.
  • Mental/physical: in this case, a serious strain on your body is the direct result of a mental injury. For example, if you subjected to intense bullying by coworkers or a superior, and the stress of that bullying leads to you have a heart attack, then you can file a mental/physical injury claim.
  • Mental/mental: similar to mental/physical, but with a different outcome. In other words, let us say that instead of suffering a heart attack as a result of the bullying, you develop uncontrollable panic attacks. You may file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits under a mental/mental injury.

This last category – mental/mental injuries – are among the hardest to obtain because you, as the injured person, must be able to prove that you were subjected to “abnormal working conditions.” It is crucial that you work with a trained and experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in order to file this claim. We know that it takes to build a case for hostile or abnormal working conditions, and what kinds of documentation will be required for submission.

Our experiences working with personal injury clients and with Social Security Disability claimants can help you because we have fought on behalf of injured and disabled people in a wide variety of situations and circumstances. We know firsthand that not every injury is one you can see, and that emotional or psychological trauma can lead to a slew of serious conditions, such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or even a complete break with reality.  We promise to treat you with discretion and with dignity, and to fight on your behalf to get the workers’ compensation benefits you need – and to which you are entitled – in order to begin your path to recovery. You can trust us to work with you in a safe and secure space, and to coordinate with doctors as well as with law enforcement (when applicable) in a discreet and professional manner.

What Our Clients Say
