LP Wont quit

42+ Years of Serving Injured Workers in Pennsylvania



For Injured Workers

Restaurant and Kitchen Workers are at Risk for Injuries

Injured Restaurant and Kitchen Workers Deserve Compensation

Restaurant kitchen work can be dangerous for all types of employees. Slippery floors, hot grease, sharp knives, and chemical cleaners are just some of the hazards they face daily. Our work injury lawyers at Larry Pitt & Associates, P.C. have helped countless restaurant and kitchen workers who have suffered various types of workplace injuries, including:

  • Broken bones: Slippery floors or cluttered walkways can cause restaurant kitchen workers to slip and fall causing broken bones and fractures.
  • Burns: Hot burners or pans, deep fryers, grease, and steam from pots can cause workers to suffer burns ranging in severity.
  • Concussions/Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Concussions, TBIs, and other brain injuries can also be caused by slip and fall accidents.
  • Contact stress: Kitchen workers are required to stand for long periods of time or kneel on hard surfaces, which can lead to muscle fatigue and other contact injuries.
  • Cuts/Lacerations: Restaurant kitchen workers handle knives and other slicing equipment that can be dangerous if not maintained or used appropriately.
  • Electric shock: When electrical outlets become overloaded, workers may suffer electric shock or even electrocution.
  • Hazardous material injuries: Commercial strength cleaners and other hazardous materials may cause kitchen workers to become ill or even develop a fatal health condition.
  • Heat exhaustion: Kitchens are hot and standing for long periods of time in such elevated temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
  • Repetitive motion injuries: Restaurant workers perform the same tasks repeatedly, which can lead to a repetitive motion injury such as bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or tendinitis.
  • Sprains/Strains: Kitchen workers are often tasked with unloading deliveries and reaching items on high shelves, which may cause them to suffer muscle sprains or strains.


Philadelphia Work Injury Lawyers at Larry Pitt & Associates, P.C. Represent Restaurant and Kitchen Workers in Their Workers’ Compensation Claims

If you were injured in a restaurant kitchen accident, contact a skilled Philadelphia work injury lawyer at Larry Pitt & Associates, P.C. We are experienced in handling workers’ compensation claims in Philadelphia and throughout the state of Pennsylvania. For a free consultation, call us at 888-PITT-LAW or complete our online contact form. You will personally meet with Larry Pitt who has been fighting for the rights of injured workers for more than three decades.  Larry Pitt & Associates helps throughout:

Restaurant Safety

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) law, restaurant employers are required to provide employees with a place free from recognized hazards that are likely to cause fatal injuries or serious physical harm to employees. OSHA recommends training employees to prevent workplace accidents caused by common hazards, such as:

  • Bad lighting, inadequate handrails, and slippery floors: Employers should install bright lights, handrails on stairways, and rubber mats.
  • Forceful use of hand muscles: Employers should buy rubber coated, lighter tools to increase friction and allow workers to keep their wrists straight.
  • Hard floors: Employers should buy stools to allow kitchen workers to rest their legs and place often-used food and materials where employees do not have to kneel to access them.
  • Hot surfaces, oil, and grease: Employers should install splashguards, potholders, and pour assist devices.
  • Knives and unguarded machines: Employers should ensure that machine guards are installed on all slicing equipment.
  • Lifting heavy loads: Employers should provide carts to assist employees with moving heavy objects.
  • Non-ergonomically designed workplace: Employers should design the workplace ergonomically, so that workers’ chances of sustaining a work injury are decreased.
  • Repetitive motions: Employers should encourage restaurant workers to share repetitive tasks, spread them out over time, and take frequent rest breaks.
  • Standing in one place for a long time: Employers should encourage workers to walk around to encourage blood flow.
  • Unnatural or awkward postures: Employers should train employees on the appropriate way to lift, as well as provide countertops and sinks of various heights.

Unfortunately, restaurant employers do not always uphold their responsibility to provide a safe workplace. When workers are injured on the job, our legal team is there to assist them with their workers’ compensation claims. We have provided top-notch legal representation to those injured in the workplace, including restaurant kitchen workers for over 40 years.

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