LP Wont quit

42+ Years of Serving Accident Victims in Pennsylvania



For Injured Pennsylvanians

Philadelphia Rideshare Accident Attorneys

Our Rideshare Injury Law Firm Handles Complex Injury Claims For Clients Throughout Philadelphia, PA

larry pit

Any time you are in a motor vehicle there is a chance that an accident may occur. This includes your personal car, a taxi a rideshare vehicle such as Uber or Lyft. Most people have heard the term “Rideshare Injury” but do not fully understand what it means when it comes to collecting money for injuries a person sustained as the result of someone else’s negligence when in a rideshare such as Lyft or Uber driver accidents in Philadelphia.

When you suffer from a car accident caused by a Lyft or Uber driver, you may be able to file a claim with the help of a Philadelphia rideshare injury attorney to seek compensation for the harm done to you including serious injuries, catastrophic injuries, traumatic brain injury or in the worst case, wrongful death. 

Larry Pitt & Associates has been representing rideshare injury cases in and around Philadelphia, PA for more than 40 years. Our team has the experienced rideshare injury lawyers you need to evaluate your personal injury case, determine your injury needs, provide legal representation, manage the insurance claims process, negotiate with the insurance company, and if necessary, file the personal injury cases required to ensure all accident victims obtain the maximum compensation they are entitled to through the legal process. 

Our Philadelphia rideshare injury lawyers know that accidents are traumatic and life-changing and that the insurance companies play hardball and try to make personal injury cases go away without them having to pay. This is why anyone who has suffered injuries in an accident will need a skilled Philadelphia Lyft accident lawyer who will fight for your rights in and out of court. If you were hurt by someone else’s actions, we are ready and able to fight for your rights and your future.


Our Philadelphia Rideshare Accident Lawyers Will Fight For You

If you or someone you love has been injured in an Uber or Lyft accident, contact Larry Pitt & Associates today. Our Philadelphia rideshare injury lawyers are here to help you get the compensation you need for your injuries. We have over 40 years of experience and we will work hard to ensure that you get the justice and compensation you deserve. Call us today for a free consultation. We are here to fight for you. We are proud to serve clients throughout:

Liability for Car Accidents Involving Uber or Lyft Vehicles in Philadelphia

Lyft and Uber drivers are considered independent contractors and the companies do not carry insurance on their behalf. This means that if you have been injured in an accident involving a rideshare vehicle, such as Uber or Lyft, you need to file a claim with the driver’s insurance company. If the driver is found at fault for the accident, the insurance company is responsible for compensating you for the damages you suffered.

Unfortunately, if you are involved in an Uber accident or Lyft accident, the process can be extremely complicated and difficult to navigate alone. This is why it’s important to hire a Philadelphia rideshare injury lawyer who understands Pennsylvania law and knows how to evaluate your case and recover compensation for your car accident injuries.

Causes of Uber & Lyft Accidents in Philadelphia

An Uber accident or a Lyft accident can be caused by the same factors that cause regular car accidents, such as distracted driving, texting while driving, drunk driving, speeding, reckless driving, or driver fatigue. Some additional causes of serious accidents include:

  • Unsafe road conditions
  • Defective vehicle parts
  • Improperly maintained vehicles
  • Poorly trained drivers
  • Failure to follow traffic laws
  • Distracted driving
  • Driver fatigue
  • Speeding
  • Aggressive driving
  • Inexperienced drivers

At Larry Pitt & Associates, our Philadelphia rideshare injury lawyers know that when an Uber or Lyft driver is involved in an accident, the case can be complex and difficult to navigate alone. We are here to help you get the compensation you need for your injuries. Our Philadelphia Lyft accident attorneys have a thorough understanding of Pennsylvania law and we will fight hard to protect your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.

The Most Common Uber or Lyft Accident Injuries

Car accidents can result in catastrophic, life-altering injuries. Common rideshare accident injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Internal organ damage or internal bleeding
  • Broken bones or fractures
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Lacerations
  • Concussion
  • Injuries to the face
  • Psychological trauma
  • Wrongful death

If you or someone you love has been injured in an Uber or Lyft accident, contact Larry Pitt & Associates today. Our Philadelphia rideshare injury lawyers are here to help you get the compensation you need for your injuries. We have over 40 years of experience and we will work hard to ensure that you get the justice and compensation you deserve.

Why Hire Larry Pitt & Associates For Your Uber or Lyft Accident Case

If you have been injured in a slip-and-fall accident, it’s important to hire an experienced lawyer who will fight for your rights and help you get the compensation you need.

  • Experienced lawyers who understand rideshare injury cases
  • Proven track record of success in rideshare injury cases
  • Compassionate representation to help you get the justice you deserve
  • A dedicated legal team that fights for your rights
  • Knowledgeable attorneys with years of experience in personal injury law
  • Comprehensive understanding of Philadelphia, PA laws regarding Uber and Lyft accidents
  • Personalized support throughout the duration of your case from experienced professionals
  • Access to a wide network of resources and experts to ensure maximum compensation for injuries suffered

At Larry Pitt & Associates, we understand how difficult it can be to pursue legal action after a rideshare accident. Our team of experienced attorneys is here to make sure that you get the justice and compensation that you deserve. We will work with you every step of the way to ensure your rights are protected and that all responsible parties are held liable for their negligence.

What Our Clients Say


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, a passenger can sue Uber or Lyft drivers if they are injured in an accident caused by the driver’s negligence. In most cases, the rideshare company will be named as a defendant in the case because they are liable for the actions of their drivers. In Pennsylvania, Uber and Lyft both carry $1 million insurance policies per incident that can be used to compensate victims for their injuries.

In short, yes. But, as your rideshare accident lawyers will explain, it’s a little more complicated. Uber and Lyft consider their drivers to be independent contractors and therefore require drivers to have their own insurance policies. In some cases, depending on the facts, the rideshare insurance coverage will not apply if you are injured and only the driver’s insurance company will be responsible for your severe injuries. This is explained in more detail below.

The Pennsylvania Department of Insurance provides information on the different types of $1 million insurance policies available in Pennsylvania. The $1 million insurance policies in PA are policies that provide a minimum of $1 million worth of liability coverage. This coverage is designed to protect individuals and businesses from financial loss in the event of a lawsuit or accident. The policies usually provide protection for bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and medical payments caused by negligence. Uber and Lyft might not use the term “$1 million insurance policy” but they do carry such insurance coverage.

As in any automobile accident, the principle of negligence will apply to either an Uber accident or a Lyft accident. The essential question in such a personal injury lawsuit will be “who pays for injured victims or who has the legal liability?” This will come down to which liability insurance company is responsible for your injuries.

Under the law, Uber and Lyft drivers are independent contractors. They do not work for Uber or Lyft. As independent contractors, each driver is required to maintain liability insurance coverage and the driver’s insurance company will be responsible if the driver was on duty and has the Uber app turned on or the Lyft app turned on at the time of the incident.

Your Philadelphia Lyft accident lawyers will evaluate several factors to determine who has legal liability for your injuries.

  • Was the driver logged out and not on duty at the time?
  • Was the driver logged in but had not yet accepted a ride?
  • Did the accident take place between accepting a ride and dropping off a passenger?

When seeking compensation and making an insurance claim in Uber and Lyft accident cases the above questions need to be answered and evaluated to determine which automobile insurance policies will apply to your case.

If the driver was not on duty, and they were operating their Uber or Lyft vehicle, then the driver’s personal policy will apply to your case as it would in any other car accident case. In this scenario the driver is like all other Philadelphia drivers and the parties involved will make claims through the insurance companies like it was a typical car accident.

In scenarios 2 and 3 the insurance coverage will change. In these cases, the Uber or Lyft $1 million insurance may kick in to cover your injuries. Since the drivers are required to carry additional insurance, these cases can get complicated and only an experienced rideshare accident lawyer will know against whom your claim should be filed.

When considering filing a suit against Uber or Lyft, your accident lawyer will evaluate your case as they would any personal injury claim. The issue of insurance coverage may or may not come into play. Some examples of where you could sue directly are:

  • Your damages exceed the limits of your rideshare driver’s insurance policy
  • You were sexually assaulted by a rideshare driver
  • You think the company was careless in hiring, training or retaining the driver

Each case must be evaluated based on its unique set of facts.

In Pennsylvania, Uber and Lyft both carry $1 million insurance policies per incident that can be used to compensate victims for their injuries. This means that if you have been injured in an accident involving a rideshare vehicle, such as Uber or Lyft, the insurance company is responsible for paying your medical bills and other related expenses.