
Dangers of Aerial Lifts

aerial lifts

Aerial lifts are vehicle-mounted devices typically used to elevate things like aerial ladders, jointed boom platforms, and vertical platforms. They are frequently used when fixing electrical and telephone wires. Aerial lifts are a convenient way to get work done because of how mobile they are, but they can also be extremely dangerous if you do […]

SEPTA Worker Settlement

septa worker

A Pennsylvania employee recently settled her workers’ compensation claim with the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA). The employee was working as a coach cleaner and attempting to board a car when she fell into an open trap stairway and sustained injuries, for which she filed suit under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA). The plaintiff was […]

Treatment for Knee Injuries

knee injuries

Knee injuries cause significant pain and difficulty because we use our legs and knee joints for so many everyday activities. Whether walking, bending, climbing stairs, lifting, playing sports, or even driving a car, the knee is an integral part of the body we use regularly. Knee injuries can happen in a variety of situations and can […]

Philadelphia Refinery Explosion


A series of explosions at a Philadelphia oil refinery injured five workers and forced many nearby residents to evacuate their homes. People across Southwest Philadelphia were awakened when the early-morning blasts shook the ground and shot giant flames into the air. This was not the first fire at the 149-year old refinery; residents were also forced to […]

Safety Tips for Zookeepers


Working at a zoo can be a fun and exciting job, especially for those who enjoy being around animals. However, it can also be dangerous and lead to fatal consequences if an employee has not been properly trained or makes an unconscious mistake. If you are interested in becoming a zookeeper at the Philadelphia Zoo, […]

Fatal Underground Accident in Delaware County

underground accident

Two Pennsylvania workers died recently while conducting a dye test on the Aldan sewer system. The cause of death has yet to be determined, however authorities believe underground gas fumes could be to blame. The workers, both in their twenties, were pulled out of a 30-foot manhole but, tragically, rescuers were unable to revive the […]

Safety Tips for Working in the Summer Heat

summer heat

While many of us look forward to the warm summer weather, it can be a brutal time for those who work outdoors. Ask any road construction worker, landscaper, utility worker, or farmer: working in extreme heat and direct sun can be exhausting and challenging. It can also have a negative effect on your body and […]

Worker’s Hand Caught in 13,000-Pound Roller

hand caught in roller

No one plans to experience a life-changing on-the-job accident. However, injuries happen without warning, sometimes leaving workers unable to pay medical bills, forge ahead in their chosen career paths, or immediately return to a high quality of life. In early April 2019, such an incident happened in western PA to a coal-based generator station employee. Caught […]