LP Wont quit

42+ Years of Serving Injured Workers in Pennsylvania



For Injured Workers

Ridley Park Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If You Have Been Injured at Work, Larry Pitt & Associates is Your Answer For A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Ridley Park, PA

larry pit

Have you been injured at work? Larry Pitt & Associates is the answer to your search for an experienced Ridley Park workers compensation lawyer. We have the background and knowledge to fight for the compensation benefits you deserve.

Call us today at 1-888-PITT-LAW (or 888-748-8529) to schedule your free, no-obligation case evaluation. Our representation will not cost you a penny – we only get paid when and if you do!


Contact Our Ridley Park Workers' Compensation Lawyers Today

Remember, the insurance companies have deep pockets and can afford and will pay for zealous representation to fight against paying your claim. We have over 40 years of experience negotiating with and fighting insurance companies for our clients. Let us be your choice for a Ridley Park workers’ compensation lawyer – we will take on the insurance companies and represent you in court. Call us today at 1-888-PITT-LAW or use our online contact form to request your free case evaluation!

What Should I Do if I Was Injured at Work in Ridley Park, PA?

You should inform your employer and seek medical attention. You must report your workplace injury to your employer within 120 days of the accident or of the day you became aware of the injury, but it is better if you report it sooner because any delay makes you seem less credible.

Your employer is required to post notices setting forth the workers’ compensation process and your rights under Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law in a conspicuous place, such as the break room. Also, your employer is required to give you a pamphlet about your rights and the workers’ compensation claim procedure when you inform him or her of your injury.

The Claims Process for Workers Compensation Lawsuits in Ridley Park

Follow the instructions on the pamphlet and notices, and submit all information and documentation to either your employer or the insurance company, whichever is indicated. You may be asked to sign any or all of the following forms. Read everything carefully before signing anything, and if you don’t understand the purpose of any form you are asked to sign, contact a Ridley Park  workers compensation lawyer.

  • Authorization for Medical Records – When you sign this, you release your medical records to the insurance company for claim review and processing. 
  • Employee Verification Form – You must sign and complete this form, and return it within 30 days in order to receive benefits. 
  • Supplemental Agreement – Read carefully before signing. This form may provide that you agree to return to work even though your workers’ compensation claim is still open. It might also provide that your workers’ compensation benefits are terminated. If you have not yet recovered from your workplace injury, or cannot return to your regular duties because of your injury, do not sign this form.  
  • Final Receipt – If you have not fully recovered from your injury, do not sign this form. If you feel pressured to sign this form, contact your workers’ compensation attorney immediately.

Under ideal circumstances, you should begin to receive workers’ compensation benefits shortly after 21 days from the date you file your claim. However, it is becoming more common for insurance companies to offer an initial settlement that is far too low, or to deny your claim entirely. Why? Because insurance companies only make money when they don’t pay claims.

Appealing a Denial of Workers’ Compensation

If the insurance company denies your claim or offers a settlement amount that is far too low, contact us. We can help you take your case to court. 

You have the following options under Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law:

  • Appear in Workers’ Compensation Court. The judge will issue a ruling based upon the evidence and arguments made by your attorney and the insurance company’s attorney.
  • If you do not get the result you think you deserve from the workers’ compensation judge, you can appeal to the workers’ compensation Appeal Board.
  • If the Appeals Board does not decide in your favor, you can appeal again, to the Commonwealth Court.
  • In rare cases, especially where there is a novel question of law,  a decision of the Commonwealth Court can be appealed to the state Supreme Court.

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