LP Wont quit

42+ Years of Serving Injured Workers in Pennsylvania



For Injured Workers

Wyomissing Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Your Work-Related Injuries Or Illnesses Should Be Handled by Our Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Wyomissing, PA

larry pit

Although the workplace is often a safe place, thousands of individuals suffer workplace injuries or related illnesses each year. This can result in unexpected medical bills and lost wages for a victim and their family. Individuals who suffer work-related injuries or diseases may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. This is a no-fault system of benefits which allows an injured worker to recover medical bills and a portion of lost wages. While the process generally works as designed, sometimes overly aggressive WC adjusters, reckless medical examiners and employers who do not timely submit a claim can make it more challenging to obtain the benefits you are entitled to. If you or a loved one were injured while at work and are having trouble with workers’ compensation benefits, call a workers’ compensation lawyer in Wyomissing, PA, for help…reach out to Larry Pitt & Associates today.

We have a proven track record of success helping individuals recover workers’ comp benefits, including helping by:

  • Compiling evidence and submitting a claim to the WC carrier
  • Responding to requests for information or questions
  • Supplying medical evidence to support your claim
  • Hiring experts to rebut a medical examiner or to prove your claim
  • Supporting you at a hearing
  • Filing an appeal, if necessary
  • Negotiating a lump sum settlement, if offered
  • Seeking your remedies in court, and
  • Answering your questions while handling any other part of your case.


Did You Suffer a Workplace Accident in Pennsylvania? Call A Skilled Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Wyomissing, PA Today

If you have been seriously injured at work and are having problems completing a workers’ compensation application, or if your application is being challenged or has been unfairly denied, call Larry Pitt & Associates to schedule a FREE consultation with our workers’ compensation lawyers in Wyomissing, PA. Our team can step in to help you no matter what stage of the process you are in, from initial application through hearing or appeal. Learn how we can get started on your claim by calling (888) PITT-LAW or (888) 748-8529.

How Long do I have to File a Claim?

If you have been injured in a workplace accident, you need to advise your employer, supervisor, or other manager that you suffered a work-related injury or illness within 21 days of that injury or illness. This is called giving notice.

You must also file a formal workers’ compensation claim with the WC carrier within 120 days. This is the actual application detailing the accident, injury, and your claim. You must support this with proper evidence and fill out all areas of the application. The failure to do so could result in the denial of your application.

Will I Get a Lump Sum Settlement?

Maybe. A lump sum settlement is not offered to every individual. Rather, a lump sum settlement is offered to certain individuals receiving WC benefits with unique circumstances or needs. Usually, this includes individuals who have reached their maximum medical improvement (MMI) or are likely to be receiving WC benefits for a prolonged period of time.

Before you accept a lump sum settlement, you should always consult with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer to ensure that the lump sum settlement is in your best interest.

Can I Recover WC and SSD/SSI At the Same Time?

Yes, you may be entitled to recover both workers’ comp benefits and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) at the same time.

However, an individual is not entitled to recover the full benefit of both. Rather, there is an offset which must be carefully reviewed and calculated to ensure that a victim is not receiving less compensation than they are entitled to.

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